Monday 17 August 2009

When I grow up...

When I grow up, I want to graduate from University of Indonesia with flawless grades. I want to achieve outstanding GPA of around 3.75-4.00 and be proud of my self.

When I grow up, I want to be married to a man who sees my imperfections as colors that complete me. Not as things that make me less 'beautiful'.

When I grow up, I want to have 5 kids. If all them are boys, I'd like to name them Yudistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sadewa. If all them are girls, I haven't thought of all 5 names but I want to name one Kirana. I want to be a great mother who can take good care of her kids when they're young and understand them as they become the great people they are becoming.

When I grow up, I want to be a working woman. I want to be a part of the Indonesian governments. To be precise, I wish that someday I'll get the job in the Ministry of National Education.

When I grow up, I want to be just like all of the above.


kerupukdicabein said...

hmm do you have a plan to marry someone named pandu? just asking

really? the ministry of national education? wow

and to think that I haven't given much thought about my future. I really am childish, aren't I? ha ha ha

Adistria said...

hmm, soal menikah dengan orang bernama siapa gue sih masih fleksibel. ada 'stok' yang namanya pandu? boleeehh. hahaha.

in my age, i think i need to start to consider more about my future. i'm nearly 20. (langsung merasa tua)

Ardhn Mohammed said...

Nothing wrong with that. I've planned my life and who I want to marry when I'm 16, 4 years younger than you. And yes, that really helps and motivates me to be a better man. Only, about who-I-want-to-marry is err kinda blurr these days. Too many wonderful woman in ITB :P

Adistria said...

wah dhin, apalagi di UI. especially FISIP. kalo bisa tinggal klik segampang ngeklik pilihan matakuliah saat ngisi IRS, asik deh bnyk pilihan. insya Allah kejelasan calon suami terjamin (amiin) haha

Iman Fachruliansyah said...

klo gw pgn kerja di BIN dis, atw ga dephan deh, ngotak-ngatik fisik orang2 indonesia, biar klo ada bom biologis udah tau musti ngapain, hahaha..

and i want to be a family man with 4 kids, 5? ok, 3 is great, 2? ayolah istriku.. satu lagi deh, yah yah..

semangatlah dis yg penting!! selalu semangat!! itu kuncinya

Adistria said...

nah makanya man, cepet cari kerja supaya ga ketuaan. kalo orang tua ntar males loh perusahaan. udah renta. hahaha *canda-canda*